Little Gem  Caesar Salad

Little Gem Caesar

The perfect flavorful and simple Caesar salad recipe!

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Prep Time: 20 min

Little Gem Lettuce Egg yolks Garlic Olive oil Lemon Juice Lemon Zest Worcestershire Pepper Breadcrumbs Parmesan Dill

Cook Time: 8 min


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Step 1

Tear the leaves off the heads of lettuce and rinse them well. Pat them dry, then tear into bite sized pieces.

Step 2

Combine all the caesar dressing ingredients in a pint sized mason jar.

Step 3

Use an immersion blender to blend the dressing until smooth. Season to taste with salt and pepper. 

Step 4

Toast the breadcrumbs in butter and olive oil until golden brown then add the lemon zest, salt, and pepper.

Step 5

Toss the lettuce with dressing, then top with breadcrumbs, parmesan, and fresh dill. 

Get the full recipe details at the link below. 

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